Benchling Product Release Newsletter: July 2019

Prem Mohanty
Product Marketing and Strategy

Welcome to the July edition of our monthly product release newsletter! Here are some of the cool new features and updates that were released over the month.

DNA / AA alignment PDF export

Benchling’s DNA and AA alignment export features are now more powerful and feature rich than ever. With the new update, PDF exports are now supported for large exports (>20 pages) across both DNA and AA alignments. In addition, users can now make selections to tailor the export pdf to better fit their needs. New options include selections for number of bases or AA per line, advanced highlighting features, and appearance of conserved vs. non-conserved bases. This vastly improves ease of export for publications, patents, and regulatory filings. Learn more about DNA alignment export by clicking on that links.

[Errata: Please note that the email and in-app messages erroneously mentioned some alignment export features that are not part of this release and are not supported currently:

- Exporting reading frames and landscape mode are not supported in either PDF export format

- Selection exporting is only available in the snapshot format]


Code example: Sync registry entries into and out of Benchling

This month we released another sample code integration to make it easier for our customers and third-party developers to understand and use our APIs. The code example featured this month allows users to import and register entities from existing registry systems and external public registries into Benchling. Registry entities from Benchling can also be exported to sync with other existing registry systems. This example integration has several advantages - it enables collaboration across teams that might be using different registry systems, gives IT teams an additional tool to integrate Benchling into their existing IT infrastructure, and allows automatic syncs with external public registries. Click on the corresponding links to learn more about syncing into and syncing out of Benchling.

Archiving schemas

Benchling now supports archiving schemas for results, runs, requests, and tasks through the settings menu. This feature puts the power back in the hands of our users by giving them more control over their data. The intuitive UI allows users to retire outdated data definitions and schemas so that users can focus on only the most relevant schemas and capture results easily.


Barcode printing with Zebra Browser Print

Benchling now supports printing of labels by using the Zebra Browser Print application. Users can use this application to find printers on their local network and print barcodes and labels without the need for additional firewall configuration. Go to the following links to learn more about creating labels and printing labels.


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