
Engineering sweet proteins at scale to improve population health

Make it easier to capture and access high-quality data so that the company can ultimately engineer its sweet proteins faster, at larger scale, and for lower costs.

Oobli, formerly known as Joywell, is on a mission to bring joy and wellness to people by delivering sweet protein products that reproduce the sweetness of sugar without the adverse health repercussions. The company's goal is to replace sugar with nutritious sweet proteins — helping to fight diabetes, heart disease, and other harmful effects of sugar. To accomplish this goal, Oobli needs to ensure their single batch fermentation processes can be translated to industrial production levels and sweet proteins can reach consumers at scale.


~2 hrs/wk

Scientists save ~2 hours per week hunting down context from past experiments

↓ 50%

Scientists spend 50% less time on data analysis and reporting

↑ Access to insights

Executives get real-time insight into performance to help guide business strategy


Data lacked context, making it difficult and time consuming to make business decisions

Data scattered across multiple people, notebooks, and machines, resulted in weeks of extra work and prevented teams from answering important business questions quickly.

Teams struggled to aggregate large sets of data

Data generated by different instruments would come out in different formats, requiring scientists to perform a manual, tedious last step of standardizing 10-20 different file formats or risk leaving questions unanswered.

Commercial readiness required a flexible solution that can scale across teams, partners, & geographies

To meet its ambitious goals to replace sugar with sweet proteins, Oobli needed to ensure its processes are robust and repeatable not just within its lab but also at partner labs.


Connected database with collaboration built in

Benchling’s R&D Cloud, with its focus on biology, is designed to support the types of scientific experiments that Oobli conducts, such as strain engineering and fermentation. By storing standardized data from multiple experiments and various instruments in a single database, Benchling makes valuable data more accessible, saving time and facilitating collaboration.

Structured data capture eliminates manual data aggregation and puts instantaneous data queries at scientists’ fingertips

Strain engineering and fermentation teams no longer need to spend hours reformatting data, inputting large datasets into spreadsheets by hand or manipulating the data to gain insights. With Benchling, scientists get to see their data contextualized visually, right away to help them make decisions.

Improved collaboration and scalability supports commercialization and growth

Oobli can easily track critical success metrics during fermentation and downstream processing like titer, microbial productivity, purity and recovery yield. Then, using Insights, they can easily communicate that to prospective tech transfer partners with one simple graph showing the process is ready and inherently scalable. The company has already completed three tech transfers as a result. To make its products accessible and affordable for everyone, completing these tech transfers is critical to produce its products at larger and larger scales.

"We did an exhaustive search and selected Benchling, not just because of our own impressions, but also from those of many of our friends working in the industry. Not only was Benchling's molecular biology functionality far and above better than any other we had ever used before but having a single database that could aggregate all our data allows us to do better experiments, to ask better questions, to solve problems more quickly in a way that gets us more value per experiment."
Author image
Jason RyderFounder & CTO, Oobli

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